ZMO News

Friday, 2 February, 2018

Thursday, 22 February 2018, 5 pm, ZMO
What Do Pensions Have To Do with Youth? A Relational Approach to Youth in International Development
Lecture by Nicola Ansell (Brunel University, London) as part of the ZMO-Colloquium The Idea of Youth: Concepts, Practices and Lifeworlds of a Global Category 

Many scholars as well as international development agencies have long argued for youth to be understood as a distinct social group, meriting attention ‘in their own right’. Development interventions and youth-led initiatives have targeted those who fall within a particular (albeit highly variable) age range, focusing energies on what are perceived as youth interests. Youth are not, however, affected only by interventions that target them, but also by those aimed to benefit other sectors of the population. Rather than focusing narrowly on youth in isolation and their perceived interests, the lecture argues for a relational approach that recognises that young people are embedded in relationships, and show how the dynamics of those relationships constitute what youth means and how youth is experienced. In the past two decades, cash transfer schemes have been introduced by governments and popularised by international development agencies...


Monday, 5 February 2018, 5 pm, ZMO
Sport and Youth Centres as Sites of Self-Governance and Local Participation in the West Bank
Lecture by Drorota Woroniecka-Krzyzanowska (University of Lodz) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar Urban Spaces of Leisure, Arts and Sports

For decades preceding the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority in 1994, sport and youth centres were amongst the very few community organizations in which Palestinians living in the West Bank could openly and legally participate. Other then providing sport, cultural and social activities to local populations, they often developed into main platforms for community organizing, political activism and self- government. Many community leaders and future politicians gained the organizational experience, social position and social networks in the centres. The establishment of the PNA, and the state-building process it triggered, brought significant changes to the Palestinian civil society. On the one hand it offered greater freedom of association and opened new possibilities, e.g. for foreign cooperation and funding...

Wednesday, 7 February 2018, 5 pm, Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstr. 14, 14193 Berlin
A Cultural History of the Body in the Work of Modern Iranian Religious Intellectuals 1960-1980
Lecture by Fatima Tofighi (University of Religions Qom / EUME Fellow 2017/18), chaired by Katrin Bromber (ZMO)

A recent turn to the body in both anthropology and philosophy has both questioned the pervasive mind-body dichotomy and sought to look at human phenomena through a corporeal lens. No less than other accounts, the narratives of modernity can be read in light of the discourses of the body — the ways the body is understood, experienced, made, categorized, pathologized, medicalized, improved, or suppressed, but also actively experiencing, influencing, and changing. These disciplinary, regulatory, and no less than that experiential discourses draw on different cultural, political, scientific, and religious resources...

8-9 February 2018, ZMO
Central Asian Studies Inside Out: Engaging with Knowledge Transfer Between Academia and Actors in Society and Politics
Workshop, Closing Date for registration: 5 February 2018

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient and the Institute for Asian and African Studies at Humboldt University Berlin invite master and PhD students from different European institutions working in the — broadly defined — field of Central Asian Studies. It is the aim of the workshop to create a platform for exchange about topics currently dealt with in Central Asian Studies in Europe and their relevance to society and politics. By meeting social and political actors, participants can develop strategies to transfer their knowledge to a broader public.

The workshop is open to external listeners. Please note, that the workshop is conceptualized mainly for master and PhD students. Contact and registration (until 5 February):

Tuesday, 13 February 2018, 7:30 pm, The American Academy in Berlin, Am Sandwerder 17-19, 14109 Berlin
A Brief History of Anti-Sectarianism in the Arab World
Siemens Lecture by Ussama Makdisi

Scholars of the Middle East have long searched for what they have described as the “roots” of secta-rianism. But the idea that there is a stable category of religious division treats the Arab world’s religiosity as a monolith that runs uninterrupted from the medieval to modern era. In this talk, Ussama Makdisi counters this position by drawing attention to the now-obscured Arab tradition of anti-sectarianism, an ethical stance that promotes a cohesive and emancipated political community that transcends religious difference...

In May Ussama Makdisi will also give an open lecture at ZMO on "The Ecumenical Frame: Coexistence and Sectarianism in the Modern Middle East (till the 1950s)".

Tenders & Calls

PhD position at ZMO: DFG project "Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven" (MIDA)
Closing Date: 15 March 2018

Am Leibniz-Zen-trum Moderner Orient ist im Rahmen des  DFG-geförderten Langfristvorhabens „Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven“ zum 01.11.2018 die Stelle einer/eines Doktorandin/Doktoranden mit 65 v.H. der durchschnittlichen regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 25,35 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren zu besetzen. Eine Vertragsverlängerung um ein weiteres Jahr ist bei positiver Evaluierung möglich. Die Entgeltzahlung erfo lgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TVöD.

PhD position at CeMIS: DFG project "Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven" (MIDA)
Closing Date: 15 March 2018

Am Centre for Modern Indian Studies der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ist im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Langfristvorhabens „Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven“ zum 01.11.2018 die Stelle einer/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin / wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters für Doktorandinnen/ Doktoranden mit 66 v. H. der durchschnittlichen regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 26,5 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren zu besetzen. Eine Vertragsverlängerung um ein weiteres Jahr ist bei positiver Evaluierung möglich. Die Entgeltzahlung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

PostDoc position at CeMIS: DFG project "Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven" (MIDA)
Closing Date: 15 March 2018

Am Centre for Modern Indian Studies der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ist im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Langfristvorhabens „Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven“ zum 01.11.2018 die Stelle einer/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/ wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters (Post-doc) mit der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 39,8 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren zu besetzen. Eine Vertragsverlängerung um ein weiteres Jahr ist bei positiver Evaluierung möglich. Die Entgeltzahlung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

Prizes & Awards

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies received the Einstein Prize for Doctoral Programmes

At its New Year reception on 18 January 2018, the Einstein Foundation Berlin awarded the Graduate School the Einstein Prize for Doctoral Programmes. The award honours outstanding structured doctoral programmes. The Graduate School will use the award money to continue its scholarship programme for doctoral students, to introduce pre-doc funding, allowing promising candidates to further refine their proposals, to support excellent graduates in the next stage of their career, and to expand their activities in knowledge exchange and knowledge communication (“third mission”).

ZMO congratulates its partner institution on receiving the prestigous Einstein prize and looks forward to further successful cooperation in the future!

New Publications

Abdoulaye Sounaye
Salafi Youth on Campus in Niamey, Niger: Moral Motives, Political Ends

In What Politics: Youth and Political Engagement in Africa, ed. by Elina Oinas, Henri Onodera and Leena Suurpää, Leiden 2017,  pp. 209-229.

Patrick Schukalla
Die richtige Stadt!?

In Afrika Süd, 6, 2017.

Heike Liebau
Chattopadhyaya, Virendranath

In 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, et. al.

Nora Lafi
Review of "Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After" by Benjamin C. Fortuna (Leiden, 2016)

In International Journal of Turkish Studies, 2017, 23/1-2, pp. 151-153.

Katrin Bromber
Review of "Frauensport in Kenia: Laufsportkultur zwischen Kenia und den USA" by Rhea Marie Richter (Hildesheim, 2016)

In Stichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies, 33, 2017, pp. 127-130.

Who's talking? - ZMO in the Media

With Samuli Schielke
عصير الكتب│ لقاء مع الباحث وعالم الاجتماع الفنلندي صامولي شيلكه| الجزء الثالث

Watch the third part of Belal Fadl's literary salon with ZMO fellow Samuli Schielke on the Egyptian revolution of 2011, 'Aseer al-Kutub on YouTube, 6 January, 2018. Please find the other parts here:
Part 1 | Part 2.

With Sanaa Alimia
Afghan migrants deported from Pakistan often become refugees in Europe

Pakistan announced that over one million Afghan refugees must leave the country before the end of the month, Radio Sputnik, 5 January, 2018.

ZMO in the Media
Jugend in arabischer Welt blickt optimistisch in die Zukunft

The article deals with the youth study carried out by the Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung in eight Arab countries,
Spiegel Online, 28 November, 2017.

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